About the RMI
Charter for the users of the RMI
For an even better service the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) commits to complying with this charter. It includes your rights as a user of the RMI services.
- The charter is promulgated in all rooms intended for the users of the RMI and is published on the internet. If requested by the user, he / she can obtain a copy of the charter. For this the user should contact the reception of the RMI (tel. : 02/373 05 08, e-mail : acc@meteo.be).
- The RMI is available between 9 am and 4 pm during workdays via the general number 02/373.05.08. In case of absence, the calls will be derived to an answering machine. RMI offers a "menu" with weather information via an automatic answering machine (0900/27002 – 0.50€/min.) which is available for everyone.
- RMI offers its services also electronically (www.meteo.be).
- RMI will respond to a request for information within 15 working days.
- If RMI receives a question that does not concern RMI, they will, if possible, forward the question to the competent public service and will inform the applicant accordingly.
- Communication with the users of RMI services take place through various channels such as electronic mail, mail, telephone and fax. All (electronic) correspondence will indicate the name, title, telephone number and electronic address of the person handling the case.
- RMI is providing information on their website about the offered services. This website gets regulary updated. RMI want to point out that not all offered services are for free.
- For payments you will receive an invoice. On the back side of the invoice you will find the general terms of payment. This does not apply to various SMS and 0900-services, where the respective services are invoiced via your operator.
- The quality of the provided services is constantly being evaluated. The RMI takes the needs of its users into account and continuously adapts to the satisfaction of its users.
- RMI fulfils all their responsibilities in full transparency, without any discrimination and with respect for the privacy of its users.
- If you think that your rights have been impinged, you can always file a complaint with the lawyer of the RMI. He wil reply within 15 calendar days. For complaints please contact the RMI via: dir@meteo.be.